Sunday, July 31, 2011

Good evening!

Hey all. Just dropping by to say hello. Anyone got a friend or even your self who is in a band, an author or anything similar? if so visit me at my official website, I am in the business of promoting people. Best way to do so is word of mouth. Tell all your friends, family members and even co-workers. Send them on over to me. Best part is, as long as the promotion doesn't cost me any money, then it doesn't cost you any either. Hope everyone is having a terrific day! Signing off


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Hello everyone again

Hey all!  I must say, I am impressed by how many people I have introduced Mick James' music to. Thanks to everyone who has helped me in my quest to make his a household name. More help is needed though. Please, tell all your friends and anyone you can about this amazing artist. Want more info on Mick? Well here, I can direct you to the perfect place.

Also, if you are a member of Reverbnation you can also catch him there. Membership to that site is free and very easy to use.

Pass the word along, Thanks again!!


Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hello everyone

Well hello again readers. It may have been a month between postings but at least I found time to sign on. I am still trying to help my good friend Micky get his name out there more. You should all check out his many pages. He has 2 on facebook., that one is the offical fan page. there is also his personal page, His music is awesome, if you wanna give it a go and listen to some, check out his profile on Reverbnation. Chekc him out, you'll be glad you did!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Mick James

Hey everyone. This is Iia! Haven't been here in forever. So sorry. Well, I have made a very awesome discovery recently. There is this guy, a musician from NYC. He is totally awesome. He has worked with Criss Angel for several years on his hit A&E show Mindfreak as one of the song writters. He however is relatively unknown on the net. And not for lack of talent. The demos he has on his website are great, and his work on the Mindfreak soundtracks is fantastic. I think you should check him out. Here are some of the best places to learn more about Mick. this is his website. this is on ReverbNation. his personal FB page
and last but certainly not least: the official band page also on FB.

Read up, listen and enjoy. Pass along to any and all friends. :) Night Peeps!

XoXo Iia