Sunday, July 31, 2011

Good evening!

Hey all. Just dropping by to say hello. Anyone got a friend or even your self who is in a band, an author or anything similar? if so visit me at my official website, I am in the business of promoting people. Best way to do so is word of mouth. Tell all your friends, family members and even co-workers. Send them on over to me. Best part is, as long as the promotion doesn't cost me any money, then it doesn't cost you any either. Hope everyone is having a terrific day! Signing off


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Hello everyone again

Hey all!  I must say, I am impressed by how many people I have introduced Mick James' music to. Thanks to everyone who has helped me in my quest to make his a household name. More help is needed though. Please, tell all your friends and anyone you can about this amazing artist. Want more info on Mick? Well here, I can direct you to the perfect place.

Also, if you are a member of Reverbnation you can also catch him there. Membership to that site is free and very easy to use.

Pass the word along, Thanks again!!
